Dr.Corrado Sommariva | Founder and CEO
Dr.Corrado Sommariva is a consultant of International reputation in the field of desalination, power generation, waste water and sustainability. He has covered several executive positions in Consultancy firms for the last 20 years where he brought the Companies served to become market leaders in the GCC in the field of desalination, power, renewable energy and waste water. He has served as the President of International Desalination Association (2011-2013), President of the European Desalination Society (2004-2006), Chairman of WHO committee for safe water use from desalination. Dr Sommariva has published more than 100 leading edge papers and four books on desalination and sustainability. Dr Sommariva has a honorary doctorate from Heriot Watt University for his contribution to the development of desalination. In 2015 he was honored by the President of Italy with the title of Master of work .